Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Round 2

Shane and I planted our first garden together this year. We planted peppers, tomatoes, corn, strawberries, cucumber, garlic, basil, cilantro, parsley, and some other things. We planned on blogging about the success of our garden, but that will never be possible due to the fact that I don't have a green thumb and the garden is failing under my care. Fortunately, Shane gave me a "Chia Herb Garden" for Christmas, which I recently uncovered in a box downstairs. So, I'm trying again, and it says on the box that this will work if I just follow the instructions....we'll see.

I'm trying to germinate the seeds, and the plastic bags are to make a greenhouse effect. I will be so happy if I could just make something grow!
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Snake said...

it really is amazing when stuff starts growing. christine and i have our first, well, i wouldn't call it a garden but we have a whole bunch of growing boxes. i thought we'd fail, but it's coming along, mostly the tomatoes, and i am stoked. hopefully the cucumbers and peppers grow a little. the basil, rosemary, mint, and parsley are doing fine thus far. good luck.

Christy Dyer said...

Oh! it looks so fun. I love the little greenhouses! Make sure you get someone to tend it while you come to visit us.

Dayna said...

I found you through Ashley Foulger's blog, and just found out through THIS thing that you are having a baby?!?! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You are going to be an amazing mom. Can't wait to hear what you are having. O and I love Shane's posts. They are funny to read. And I love the vintage plates you got- how cute!

Angie said...

Looks like you guys are having so much fun with all the little projects you're doing. My favorite one, though, is the baby I think. Yep.

Allison said...

Once they are thriving you should replant them in the antique sugar molds you got! It would be soooo cute:) How are you feeling? Call me when you have a minute! Love you!!!!!

Foulgers said...

I am so excited for you two to be parents!! CONGRATS!1 Who knew.. I can't wait..